Books: Pulled by Mike Perry

Cody Hudson

Anna Giertz

Scott Massey

Marq and Anna Wolf


Mike Perry has released a new book called Pulled: A Catalog of Screen Printing, on Princeton Architectural Press.  It features some print designers we’ve known and loved for a long time like Deanne Cheuk and Anna Giertz, whose Picture of Dorian Gray-inspired poster hangs right above my computer desk.  And there are tons of new discoveries like Cody Hudson and Marq and Anna Wolf that are interesting.  Then there is a bulk of cartoony hand-drawn stuff that if fun to look at, and lots of various other graphic mash-ups.  Overall, this is a good resource of contemporary designers, and it’s nice to see all the posters that are still silk screened–that classic technique with a timeless quality and a never-ending range of possiblitites.
