Trend Alert! Couples In Matching Outfits!

With the heartwarming recent story about Mel and Joey, the Nebraska couple who wore custom-made matching outfits for 64 years, I decided to investigate this phonomenon further. Seems that matching couples tend to match patterns quite often. Mel and Joey matched tie to dress through mostly floral patterns. You see, they own a floral shop that’s been in the family since 1896. Then there is the New York dj pair Andrew and Andrew, whose relationship and true identities are unknown, but who dress identically in what has been described as hyper prep. They are often seen in Tribal jackets, Nordic sweaters and in one instance, pixelated motorcycle gear. You can also find them in pristine white shirts and matching plaid ties. Lastly, I found the above twin couples from I assume the 80’s in the craziest matching ensembles ever!
