Profile | Karan Singh

Tokyo based designer, Karan Singh, is a self-taught artist who explores op-art minimalism through the use of pattern and repetition. Originally from Australia, Singh's professional career has taken him

Profile | Nick Liefhebber

We're mesmerized by the vibrant, pattern filled illustrations of Dutch designer, Nick Liefhebber. Nick is inspired by patterns and rhythms and "uses the associative powers of shape and material

Profile | Natalia Smirnova

Bangkok based designer, Natalia Smirnova, creates other worldly patterns using fine-tuned digital techniques. The intricate detail gives her predominantly botanical prints a hyper-real quality that fits well into the up-coming

Color | Pastel Garden

It's a rainy day here and the soft muted colors of the garden are looking lovely. Shades of grey, gentle greens, and the rich colors of wet rocks inspire

Profile | Julie Yülle

The colorful patterns of Parisian based designer, Julie Yülle, are carefully composed out of cut paper. Keeping the creases and shadows in her work, Yülle plays with depth creating three-dimensional effects

Profile | Garance Vallée

Space and time appears to stand still in the multi-tiered architectural drawings by Parisian illustrator, Garance Vallée. Citing Bauhaus and the Memphis Group as references, Vallée composes illustrations that feel set-like in

Color | Primary School Update

Move over red, yellow, and blue, there's a new set of primary shades in town. Muted colors take center stage as palettes soften and morph into variations of traditional hues.

Profile | Campbell Charlotte

It's hard to imagine lounging around in lightweight linen garments at the moment. Instead, we're wearing layers of wool to fight off the wind chill factor. Yet, Melbourne based

Heimtextil is here!

We've spent the last few months designing hundreds of prints some of which are heading to Heimtextil, an interiors and home goods trade show in Germany, which runs January 10th through
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