Interiors | Patternity & Toby Winteringham Inspiration Patternity's graphic prints inspired by traditional marquetry craft offer uniquely bold shapes that cut and weave throughout. February 11, 2011
Bauhaus Designer Gunta Stölzl Inspiration German textile designer Gunta Stölzl was instrumental in developing the Bauhaus school's of weaving workshops.. February 10, 2011
Lindsay Kennedy at Nationale Inspiration Lindsay Kennedy's tapestry-like paintings at Nationale... February 7, 2011
Interiors | Christian Lacroix's Spring Homewares Inspiration This spring sees the first ever homewares collection by the iconic Christian Lacroix. February 4, 2011
The Tote Bag by Jitesh Patel Inspiration Karl, Marc, Prince and Michael get some more awesome press in "The Tote Book" by Jitesh Patel February 2, 2011
Interiors | Vinyl Goes Patterned Inspiration Often when you think of vinyl flooring, you conjure up an image of a 1970s burnt orange... January 28, 2011