Interiors | Glass and Light


Can’t get enough of these glass wall installations by UK based artist Chris Wood! The artist describes her art as being about expressing the “magic of light”.  She does this by using dichroic glass (dichroic meaning two-colored). Wood speaks of her dichroic glass as being glass that has “…an optical coating that selectively reflects certain wavelengths of light and allows the remaining wavelengths to transmit through. Developed in the late fifties by NASA to protect against the potentially harmful effects of direct sunlight and cosmic radiation, dichroic glass, with its striking visual qualities, has been used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. The material shifts from being reflective like a golden mirror to vibrantly coloured or almost transparent, depending upon the viewpoint and angle of light. It is a material that very eloquently expresses the magic of the phenomenon of light.” The effect is mesmerizing!

Julie Rose

