Print | Athena Procopiou

Athena Procopiou is an artist and designer based in London.  The symmetrical and intricately printed scarves in her collections remind me of Hermes mixed with a bit of psychedelic

Surface Designer | Aaryn West

Aaryn West contributes lovely prints to our repeats e-book, Repeat After Me. We love her diversity of style and the intricacy in her patterns. And so, without

Textile Designer | Coralie Prévert

We discovered Coralie's work when she submitted designs to our upcoming e-book, and were very taken by the collage-like, atmospheric look of her prints. We asked her so

Designer | Lital Gold

Lital Gold is an illustrator and textile print designer from Israel.  We love the complexity and multiple layers of her prints.   Lital will be featured in our upcoming
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