Art | Trippy Dripped Paint

Today's inspiration comes from Chicago based artist Bruce Riley, who drips paint into paint in an endlessly layered arrangement resulting in paintings that look like  underwater scenes, psychedelic visions and abstract

Art | Tomoo Gotika

Currently showing at the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art in Japan, is the retrospective of  Tomoo Gotika, an artist who has been highly influential for his album covers and

Art | Henri Matisse Cutouts

Henri Matisse's influence cannot be underestimated. Take the cutout trend in fashion that we've been seeing so much of for the past several seasons...

Art | Express Yourself

via here. Jack Vanzet is only 23, yet his work is full of confidence and self assurance. I guess 23 is a time for unbounded cockiness, but for most of
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