Trend | Celestial Season

We're lucky enough to be in the trajectory of the full solar eclipse today. And, while we chart its course, we're also looking at the skies beyond for inspiration as celestial

Profile | Mariery Young

Even though we're looking forward to autumn after the incessant heat of summer, we still can't get enough of tropicals in any form. These colorful and whimsical creations are

Profile | Marsi van de Heuvel

First off, let's start by saying these illustrations are made using fineliner pen. Yes, that's right. Every little line is painstakingly drawn to create an intricate embroidered style look. South African

Profile | MOTE

Korean label, Memories of the Earth, blends sensory experiences derived from nature and presented as soaps and candles. With a keen eye on packaging, the products capture ethereal elements like winter mist, sunset

Profile | Caroline Walls

Swooping lines and solid fields of color in neutral shades make up the recent collection of work from Melbourne based artist, Caroline Walls. Her work focuses primarily on the female

Profile | Victoria Garcia

If you are an avid Pinterest user, then you may already be visually familiar with the detailed drawings of illustrator, Victoria Garcia. We have been charmed by her beguiling

Profile | Velwyn Yossy

Hailing originally from Indonesia, multi-disciplinary artist, Velwyn Yossy, spent twelve years living in Los Angeles before settling in the city of London. Yossy's gestural quality lends itself to her thoughtful compositions

Profile | Menai Thomas

Vibrant blooms swim in lush tropical rainforest patterns at the recent degree show of surface designer, Menai Thomas. Channeling the work of nineteenth century botanical artists but with a twist,

Profile | Valentine Reinhardt

Step into the surreal universe of multi-disciplinary artist, Valentine Reinhardt. Focusing on the transformation of nature, Reinhardt combines photography, illustration, and videography to develop lush environments with Eden-like references. Her colorful
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