Book | The Writing of Stones

images via 50 Watts Rocks and Minerals have been a huge fascination of mine since childhood.  I wanted so badly to be an archeologist, and I would go on excursion

Art | Confetti System

Nicholas Andersen and Julie Ho are the dynamic duo behind Confetti System, a visually interactive company who has collaborated with everyone from Opening Ceremony to Beach House.  My eyes

Past and Present | Holiday Magazine

'Tis the season!  Holiday was a monthly travel magazine published during the years of 1946 to 1977.  With some amazingly timeless travel writing, the magazine published the likes of

Past and Present | Gianni Versace

In light of the Sagittarians of December, I thought it appropriate to pay homage to the late and legendary Gianni Versace.  Born on December 2nd, 1946, the iconic designer

Artist | Alia Penner

Photographer: Jeaneen Lund Alia Penner is one of those jack of all trades type of souls.  This LA-based artist does it all: fine art, illustration, design, and photography.  After seeing
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