Arts & Culture | Bloom Inspiration If trend is your thing, then skip to the dreamy luscious future that is Bloom... December 8, 2015
Profile | Samantha Margherita Inspiration We took a moment to catch up with L.A. based textile designer, Samantha Margherita, to discuss her latest venture... December 7, 2015
Interiors | Emma Von Bromssen Inspiration Loving the work of textile designer Emma Von Bromssen. The artist brings her dreamy watercolors to an array of home products, all amazing additions to any home! – Julie Rose December 4, 2015
Books | Patternalia by Jude Stewart Inspiration Loved reading Jude Stewart's Patternalia about the history of patterns. December 1, 2015
Bethan Wood Inspiration Bethan Wood cites color and proportion as her inspiration using marquetry, printing, and other techniques to capture pattern in layers. November 30, 2015
Edible Art | Holiday Eats Inspiration Whether it's cherry, apple, pumpkin, or yam, it's hard to resist such gorgeously designed pies. Hope your holiday was pie filled! – Julie Rose November 27, 2015
Pattern Report | Alexander McQueen Trends Isn't it romantic? Alexander McQueen 2016 gets inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites. November 26, 2015
Arts & Culture | Melting Rugs Inspiration Faig Ahmed enjoys traveling, to other places, or in his mind using mediation or visualization practices... November 24, 2015